8. What will happen once we are instructed?

If you have any new questions, or require clarifications on anything in the fee quote, we would be happy to assist, but once instructed, we will undertake a full measured survey of the property ourselves, and structural assessments of buildings when required, to achieve the highest level of accuracy in our drawings and designs. This first-hand interaction gives us the best possible chance to envisage possible design solutions and be aware of all the constraints within the site. We use laser measurement technology with Bluetooth connectivity to make each survey as accurate as possible, but also reduce the time required in your home or garden, causing you minimal disturbance.

After completing the survey, the first drawings you will receive from us are a draft proposal, based on the initial discussions and our any of our own ideas influenced by your requirements. Where an existing building is part of the scheme, you will also receive drawings of the existing layout, so these can be compared and referenced when necessary to the proposed designs. We are very open to discussions about the designs and will make any tweaks and changes necessary until we have a final design that you are happy with, and we are confident will make for a successful outcome. When we get ideas down on paper, it may become apparent that other arrangements would be better suited to your space, so, when necessary, we can offer multiple design options to help you decide on your ideal solution.